Everyday Zen - Charlotte Joko Beck (easy read, you can dip in and out)
Nothing to Grasp - Joan Tollifson, is my favourite, but lots of other titles. She's always very clear, relatable and human. She also offers great down to earth one to one chats (for a fee). Oh and a big nod to Joan for the 'fellow explorer' notion. I stole that from her.
Buddhism: It's Not What You Think - Steve Hagan. I like this approach. He's also written other books. The Grand Delusion is the one for you if you're seriously wanting to look at 'what this is' or 'who am I' and you have an interest in science.
Who Dies? - Stephen and Ondrea Levine (reflections on the nature of life and death, she says, cheerily)
The Miracle of Mindfulness - Thich Nhat Hanh (easy read)
The Life of the Buddha - Desmond Biddulph (a concise history of the Buddha and his teachings)
The Untethered Soul - Michael A Singer (great book)
Fuck it: The Ultimate Spiritual Way - John Parkin (fuck it!)
The Healing Promise of Qi - Roger Jahnke (for those who want to explore Qigong)